Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Driving on a Donut = Loads of Fun

Most of you know that I had the fantastic experience of a flat tire on the 143 last Wednesday. I hate the feeling of your normally smooth, quiet car all of a sudden sounding like a 1978 Gremlin. Not knowing what to do and having nowhere to pull over I just kept on driving…and driving. This is probably not the best thing to do when you get a flat tire but I figured unless I wanted to get taken out by a stay at home mom on her cell phone with her 4 kids screaming in the back of the van, I should find a safe place to pull over.

If you have ever been on the 143 southbound you will notice that there is not much of a shoulder to pull over on. I tried to pull over as far as I could. Then of course I do what all women do, I called a man to come rescue me.

Once he had arrived I noticed that he too was practically still in the freeway so I told him to stay in the car. He was nice enough to call the police so we could have a cop, or highway patrolman if you will, warn traffic for the 5 minutes it would take to change the tire. The cop was very nice and helpful and I was appreciative that we had survived such a horrendous ordeal. (haha)

I now had the most radical thing on my car, a donut! Not only are they a scrumptious morning treat, they look ridiculously funny on a normal sized car. I will admit that when I am driving around and I see other people with a donut on their car, I giggle a little. It is just so funny. It is like when someone trips and pretends nobody saw them. But you saw them and although you feel bad for them, it is still pretty funny. Well, on Wednesday that person was me.

Knowing that I had a tiny tire on my car and cannot go much faster than 40mph it is really scary trying to pullout in front of cars racing to get home after work. I finally saw my window and slowly pulled onto the freeway, “donut style”. Then sure enough, there she was. A little nasty B that had to be all up on my donut. Could she not see that one of my rear tires was abnormally smaller than the rest? Not only that, I had my hazards on. She is riding my bum bum so close I do not even see the hood of her car and all I see is a young chick on her cell phone with arms flying in all directions gesturing me to hurry up.

If any of you know me, you know that this is not an ideal situation to put me in. My Italian temper combined with my distaste for valley traffic on top of a flat tire was just about enough for me to roll down my window and show this girl what I thought of her. I felt a lot better after that. Like I already didn’t feel dumb enough with the stupid thing on my car she had to go ahead and push me over the edge.

I did make it home safely and not too frazzled. Thankfully I had immediate dinner plans so my friend drove me to dinner and I had a drinky-poo to settle my nerves. So kids, the moral of this story is if you see a car going slow in front of you, please check to see if one of the tires is all Beetlejuiced, especially if their hazards are on. I do give you permission to giggle…as long as it is not me J

1 comment:

Latricia and Daniel Gianino said...

ah, i didn't know about your tire trouble. :(