Thursday, March 12, 2009

Life in the Fug Lane

Do you ever have those days, weeks, or even sometimes months when you do not feel so hot? I do not mean that you are cold or sick, but that you just feel unattractive? I tend to think I am an okay looking gal but lately I am thinking twice about my initial thoughts on that. Let’s delve further.

I recently decided to color my hair darker. It is an all over hair color that is a mix between blonde and brown (bronde or blown I like to call it) but it just does not seem like me. My stylist did exactly what I told her to and she did an amazing job but I just do not think the color fits my personality and here is why: people have said that it looks sophisticated as well as very natural. Hmmm…I do not want to look sophisticated (unless it is those librarian types from the “adult” movies) nor do I want to look natural. I like the blonde highlights and the fact that it looks like I get my hair did. Is that bad? Plus I already know I am sophisticated lady. Bottom line is that I have an appointment next week to add some spunk to my look. Plus, my boyfriend said it looked the same color as my skin so I was growing skin hair. He is so sweet! He really is actually, but after me questioning my hair and after him telling me 50 times I looked beautiful I asked for the truth, and that is what I got. Hopefully this will help me feel a little hotter. Hair…check!

Next I am feeling a little pastey. Some of you may not know but I used to be an avid visitor of the tanning bed in high school, college, and even some time after. If you do not believe me ask me to check out my driver’s license. I look two gold chains short of a New Jersey accent. Not wanting to add melanoma to my list of illnesses, I decided to quit tanning as well as always putting on at least SPF15 all over when I am in the sun or at the pool. Now what do I do? I feel all like that guy from the movie Powder but without the whole mysterious thing going on, at least that made him cool. He even bagged himself a chick. I do not have that cute pinky-pale skin either; some people can get away without a tan because they have some other hues in their skin. When I am pale I turn a slightly yellow bland color that makes me look like I have Jaundice (I first misspelled this and spell check pulled up gonads, haha! Read that again and put in gonads. Ha!). I have that self tanner stuff but then I look all orange. What to do!?

Next, we will move to the wardrobe. If you do not already know, I just moved. I am getting my very own closet built, lucky me, but while the contractor is contracting I am living out of boxes. I cannot find anything! I managed to have a decent outfit on today but I didn’t even notice the side zipper on my dress broke so I was letting my good and tasty’s hangout all over the office. Not only that, I have not been shopping in months. I spend all my money on Mexican food and Britney Spears CDs. I am trying to save up to buy adult stuff like furniture, home décor, and a Hoveround. Maybe once I have all my clothes nicely hung up in my new closet I will feel better. In the meantime all I can find to wear is old boxer shorts, patent red leather heels, and a XXL shirt that I have been painting in that says Gilbert Arizona with a big flag on it. If that doesn’t make me feel pretty I do not know what will. I feel like the “mista mista” lady from Happy Gilmore.
I am hoping that once I start unpacking I notice that little elves have replaced all my old clothes with new ones. If that doesn’t happen I guess since I have not seen my clothes for awhile it will be like they are new. All I can say is that there might be a trip to the mall in my future.

Finally, I think I have gained a few. I thought I would have lost weight from all the moving and painting I have been doing but I guess eating chili cheese fries and strawberry shakes do not normally lead to weight loss. Plus, I am about to have pizza for the 3rd night in a row tonight, and I do not even really like pizza that much. When you are busy it is just too hard to eat healthy. I have emailed my personal trainer and I told him not to hold back during my workouts. So hopefully I will be bathing suit ready soon. I also started yoga-ing it yesterday. I have to say that I am pretty good for my first time in awhile. We will just have to see how bendy I become. Namaste.

So, basically I am feeling two kinds of fug these days. Do you ever have those days or weeks where you do not feel so hot? Do you have any ideas to help me out of my slump? I am destined to feel all kinds of hotness again!!